Anatoli Million
2 min readJul 1, 2021

Know what you are dealing with “the effect of being fat”

Quick story

I have been fat since my early 20s (21 yrs old if I remember correctly), back when I started taking anti-depressant pills.

I consume around 1300 kcal within every 24hrs and I'm a 120kg, 5"8, 27yr old male. I know I should be eating around 2000 kcal every day but I find that excessive, my stomach feels its getting smaller each day.

I also do stationary biking for 1hr a day and my smartwatch and online calculators say I burn around 800 kcal doing that. Does that mean I'm only consuming 500 kcal per day? (1300–800) Also sometimes I go up to 5 days constipated, no stool at all… and my weight plateaus each 2 weeks, I notice I go up half a kilo and then go down a kilo.
So far since 23rd April 2020 I lost a bit over 15kg (I was 135.6kg).

But I fear weight plateaus like death.

My struggle was that My weight has got beyond the point where I struggle to keep up. My other vices are cigarettes and alcohol, the later I drink way to much. I from the moment of this post has binned all the things I know that have made me obese, I have also promised my daughter who I took back to here university yesterday that she would see a different dad when see comes back in three months time. I like a lot of people in this spiral are not stupid , when your fat it so easy for people to make fun and put you down, it’s like it’s the last thing people can have ago at something without thinking it’s offensive. It hurts so much when you see the looks and here the comments they make.

But everything is possible I was on that state of mind I get it but, I pass the struggle and sometimes to get the good result you have to work for it. and also I have a great news. I will tell you what I use and what worked for many others to get the body of their dream.

BUT NOTE THAT:- every rich people in the weight lose industry might take this article down because they want to keep overweight people like you and me here buying all the weight lose diet plans, weight loss shakes and all other stuffs that they have to sell because it making them rich.

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